Pregnancy has been such an adventure! The beginning was pretty rough for me, but things are getting so much better and I am extremely grateful to be carrying this healthy little guy.
Due date: He is currently due October 25th, 2014
How far along: 20 weeks and 2 days! More than halfway. WOO HOO!
Size of baby: Apparently the size of a banana, so i call him my little monkey. 6.46 Inches, and a little over 10 ounces. It's crazy to think that he is only that tiny, and over the next 20 weeks he will get alooooot bigger. (and so will I, yay)
Maternity clothes: The other day I had to do the rubber band around the button on my jean pants trick... that was weird. But David thought I was really innovative! I bought a ton of maternity clothes about a month ago, mostly shirts and dresses because I have a long torso, and apparently it's not "In" to wear belly shirts ;) But i mostly just wear my yoga pants and leggings everyday right now because that's all I can wear to school.
Stretch marks: None on my belly or hips, but these Ta Ta's have a couple glory marks on them. Oh well!
Weight Gain: Um I think like 9 lbs so far?
Sleep: Oh this is an adventure. I'm always trying new ways to fall asleep, because now it takes me forever. I sleep with about 5 pillows, need to have a fan on me or window open, and I wake up almost every night around 4:00 am, and sit there debating whether or not getting up to pee is worth all the hard work, lol, but seriously. But I can't complain, because I still get like 9-10 hours of sleep each night.
Best moment this week: The other night David was able to feel him kick so many times and I loved seeing the smile on David's face, and his eyes light up when our little man kicked him. He's gonna be the cutest daddy.
Movement: Oh yes. This little rascal is a kicker and I love every second that I get to feel him. If you ever see me staring off into the distance, smiling, and awkwardly holding my belly, it's because hes kicking me and I'm cherishing it :) Yesterday I was holding our Tablet computer on my belly and he kicked me so hard it bounced the tablet. SO cool!
Food cravings/aversions: Juicy green salads with ranch on top. And mexican food. But mostly it's just a random "current craving" that I have to have RIGHT NOW. Like the other day it was garlic bread. And yesterday it was a peach. You never know with this crazy pregnant lady.
Gender: We found out on May 14th that it's a BOY!
Labor signs: Thankfully, none.
Belly button - in or out?: Still in. But it has started to stretch horizontally, and if I sit up slowly like I'm kind of doing a sit up, it starts to poke out, so I'm sure it will happen in no time.
What I miss: Being able to eat without having to "chase" it with Antacid tablets :)
What I am looking forward to: My belly growing! And Our Anatomy scan appointment next week.
Any scary moments this week?: Yes. I work in the Alzheimer unit at an Assisted living center, and the other day a 93 year old lady suddenly got very angry and back-hand hit me in the stomach. I was fine physically, but emotionally, I was a mess. It really scared me.
Current pregnancy symptoms:
- Posterior Pelvic pain on my right side. It's where I randomly have a sharp pain right above my bum, on my pelvis, and it occurs usually when I stand up or bend down. And when it happens I grab my back like an old lady, and let out a moan that probably sounds like a cow. It's awkward. We're working on that.
- Round ligament pain. Random sharp pain on the right side of my tummy. That was a scary moment when I first felt it, because it is so sharp and sudden that it takes your breath away for a second, but it's normal.
- Leaky Ta Ta's. I hope that's not TMI. Oh well. When it first happened I was like "WHAT IS HAPPENING?" and then I was really grateful and emotional because it meant that I would be able to nurse, David wasn't as excited as I was.... hahaha. But my Doctor said it was normal for some women to leak this early. Gosh pregnancy is so glamorous.
- Acid Reflux. It's all fun and games until you realize that you have to rush home from dinner to get your Antacid tablets before you start breathing fire. (and just kidding it's not all fun and games)
- Emotions. Seriously, who cries while watching the Miss USA pageant? Or when a pregnancy commercial comes on? Or the other day at church, the Young Women were in Relief society and we had to all recite the YW values, and I was totally crying. It was embarrassing.
Any purchases for baby?: Um no. Is that bad? A friend gave me the cutest onsie today, and I bought one a while back, but I just have been too busy with school and work to worry about buying all of that just yet. I still have another 4-5 months,and I've definitely done a lot of research on bassinets and cribs and strollers, but I'm not in a huge rush because I have no idea where we will be living in the next few months so I don't want to buy a ton of stuff.